Note-It is a drawing application that lets you take notes and draw them on the go. The app is free and can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store. You can also connect multiple accounts to share notes and drawings with others. There are several features of this app that make it perfect for artists and designers. It can be used to create and edit sketches, write and read notes, and even share drawings with friends and colleagues.
The app is available for both Mac and Windows. It saves your notes to a text file and uses your default text editor, such as Notepad. Once you download the application, you can select the EXE of your preferred editor and double-click the icon to open it. Depending on your preferences, you can add notes to multiple files at the same time. You can also import past NoteIts into the same document.
Users can customize font styles, size, and more in the Notes Settings. Added to the settings, the software lets users link URLs that open in a web browser. The application also allows you to create keyboard shortcuts to create, edit, or delete notes. Its features make it a powerful tool for managing and sharing notes. Besides, it also helps you organize your notes by category. It can also make the most of your computer screen.